4 Kinds of Death Benefits

Newsletter   •   Quarter 1   •   2022

4 kinds of death benefits


Your Woolworths Group Retirement Fund

  • Your Pension Fund Credit – all the money saved in your Woolworths Group Retirement Fund
  • 4 times your annual pensionable salary (70% of your TCOE for TCOE employees)
  • 2 times your annual pensionable salary (if you are over age 53 and have elected this option).

Group Life Assurance (GLA) Benefit

  • This scheme pays out a lump sum equal to twice your annual pensionable salary in the event of your death. This payment is tax free. Every month you contribute 0.80% of your pensionable salary to Group Life Assurance.

Funeral Benefit

  • Woolworths provides a R20 000 funeral benefit to assist your surviving family members with some of your funeral costs. This is only for your funeral.
  • You nominate two people on the Funeral Benefit Nomination Form and send it to your HRA.
  • One of these two people needs to bring your death certificate to work and send it to the Risk Benefits Department in Cape Town.
  • The money will be paid out to the nominated person and must be used towards your funeral.
  • As the benefit is paid out in cash, it is vital that the people you choose are people you can trust.

Woolworths Memorial Education Fund Benefit

  • On your death, the Woolworths Memorial Education Fund steps in to pay the school fees for your children – right up to and including tertiary education. The benefit starts from Grade R. This is an excellent benefit.