Contact Us

  • Or write to us at:

    Woolworths Group Retirement Fund, PO Box 680, Cape Town 8000

  • Fund queries:

    For more information about the Fund or for Fund queries, you can contact us on 021 401 9300.


For FREE financial advice, contact the Alexforbes Individual Advice Centre (IAC) at 0860 100 444 or email them at

Alternatively, you may want to get advice from your own Financial Planner. Make sure that they are certified by the Financial Planning Institute.

What to do if you're unhappy with your fund:

Please tell us if you have a complaint about any aspect of the Woolworths Group Retirement Fund and we will try to help you by addressing your complaint as quickly as possible.


What to include in your complaint

To help us resolve your complaint please give us as much of the following information as possible, preferably in writing and include all relevant information and attach relevant documentation, where applicable:

  • Your full name and surname.
  • Contact details and preferred means of contact, such as your email address, cellphone number or landline.
  • Your member number, date of birth or identity number.
  • Details about your complaint and where possible any supporting documents you can send us about your complaint.
  • What you would like us to do to make things right.

Who you can lodge your complaint with

You may lodge your complaint through the fund’s administrator using the following contact details:

Alexforbes Financial Services

Tel. No: 021 401 9300
Fax. No: 021 415 5551