Portfolio performance 2020 Q1

Woolworths Group Retirement Fund

Portfolio performance

Over the long term (10 years), the Fund’s investment performance continues to be good, meeting the relevant objectives.

After the poor investment returns resulting from the challenging economic environment in 2018, there was a pleasing improvement in 2019, resulting in much more encouraging one-year returns (shown on the far right in the graph above).

There is SO much going on in the news, but in the long run, how much of it really matters to your retirement savings?

Global drivers impacting the economy

The impact of the 'trade wars' (new import tariffs or taxes being put in place) between the USA and China was reduced when a 'Phase 1' deal was reached.

After the United Kingdom election results, Brexit finally became a reality and the UK exited the European Union in January 2020 – although many details are still to be negotiated.

Both international and domestic financial markets reacted favourably, ending 2019 on a positive note, only to be unsettled almost immediately by the emergence of the coronavirus in China, followed by its spread to many countries. The uncertainty regarding the coronavirus and its full economic impact has dominated news headlines and is being felt across all financial markets.

South Africa HAS ITS OWN specific challenges

Domestically, despite a slight reduction in the political uncertainty of the past two years, turning around the low and slowing economic growth remains essential to creating desperately needed work opportunities and to addressing the pressing social issues. Eskom’s ongoing struggle to meet the electricity demand also continues to disrupt economic activity.

What is the best approach?

Appreciate that there are dedicated experts looking after your retirement fund savings. We may all enjoy the news and expressing our opinions, but professional, experienced investment managers and advisers make the best investment decisions for the Fund. They filter out the 'noise', determine the opportunities and take advantage of these. Access to such expertise is a significant advantages of investing in a retirement fund.

Manage your short-term expectations. Expect markets to be affected by 'noise' in the short to medium term and don’t be alarmed if last year's good returns are not repeated.

Keep your eye on the future prize – a reasonable retirement delivered by long-term returns. Don’t be distracted by short-term fears and avoid making knee-jerk decisions which could put your retirement savings at risk.

Trust the plan. The Fund has a carefully considered investment strategy in place to achieve your long-term investment objectives. The Trustees monitor the strategy and are committed to overseeing its disciplined implementation and ensuring that your retirement savings are never unduly exposed to unrewarded risk.

Remember that THE basic recipe for successful retirement is to save as much as possible, as early as possible, for as long as possible.