A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) has been published by National Treasury regarding the two-pot retirement system.
Here are some of the questions and answers:

What is the two-pot retirement system?

The two-pot system is a reform that allows you to make partial withdrawals from your retirement savings before you retire, while preserving a portion of your retirement savings that can only be accessed when you retire.

How does it work?

The two-pot system created a ‘savings pot’, a ‘retirement pot’ and a ‘vested pot’. Only the savings pot and the retirement pot receive your retirement contributions. The vested component houses your retirement savings that you accumulated before 1 September 2024. Investment growth continues to be credited to the vested component.

Does this apply to our retirement fund?

The new two-pot system will apply to all retirement funds. This is for both private sector and public sector funds, except for the old generation or legacy retirement annuity policies, or funds with no active participating members (such as funds in liquidation, beneficiary funds, closed funds or dormant funds).

Why the two-pot system?

The two-pot system is meant to support long-term retirement savings while offering flexibility to help you if you are in financial distress.

What is seeding capital?

On 1 September 2024, 10% or R30 000 of your fund credit, whichever is lower, was allocated to your savings component. This is called seeding capital.

Provident fund members who are 55 years or older

By default, if you were 55 years or older on 1 March 2021, you will not be included in the two-pot system. You may however elect to participate.

Where will the seeding capital come from for members younger than 55 years old?

For members who were less than 55 years old on 1 March 2021, their seeding capital was taken proportionally from their vested and non-vested pots.

Will you lose your money if a withdrawal is not made?

No. If a member chooses not to make a withdrawal from their savings pot, the savings pot will continue to grow. A withdrawal of any amount (over R2 000) can be made whenever you choose, once per tax year. The savings pot is best left untouched until you retire where a cash lump sum can be withdrawn.

What should you do?

  • Ensure that WGRF has your correct contact details.
  • Keep an eye out for communication from Alexforbes.
  • Carefully consider your options and seek advice from a certified financial advisor.
  • Do not let anyone pressure you to do anything that is not in your interest.

The two-pot system and your retirement savings

From 1 September 2024 any new retirement contributions that you save into your retirement fund will be split into two pots – a savings pot and a retirement pot.
Click here if you want to find out more about the two-pot system and making withdrawals.