If you were to die, the Woolworths Memorial Education Fund will pay towards the education of your children. Now you can have peace of mind that your children's education will continue to be covered and that their education is secure.

Please note: this benefit only applies under certain scenarios and there are limits in place. Please see this brochure to find out more.

The Woolworths Memorial Education Fund:

  • will pay an amount to your children’s school every year.
  • will pay towards your children’s education if they are studying for a degree or diploma.

Educational cover for your children:

Education Level Max Benefit Payments p/a Term
Pre-school R48 000 1 Year
Primary Education R80 400 1 Year
Secondary Education R93 600 1 Year
Tertiary Education R53 000 1 Year
$45 350 at overseas facility 1 Year

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